It is really hard to be productive with this strike going on. I do not work well unless under pressure. That being said things are moving- even if they are moving a bit slowly. Half my photos are done (and by done I am mean sized and saved in the proper file format- done) and the others will hopefully be done soon. I decided I want my book to be smaller than I initially thought- I can't decided whether it should be 5X5 inches or 6X6 inches... I have done some writing, but that still needs a lot more work. Here is an excerpt:
• Intro
I recently found the book in a box in the attic. I never believed its stories, not really, a nightmare here and there. Nothing a child with a rebellious spirit couldn’t handle. I mean after 22 years I still have my thumbs right? I think I will read it for old times sake…
• The Story of Slovenly Peter
After ten hours at school, a class at the gym and six hours at the computer doing homework I am dead tired. Washing up is over rated. I will brush my teeth tomorrow…
As I drift off to sleep I start to have the weirdest dream. My hair gets matted, my face covered in soot, I am all alone and searching for food in a garbage can. Why does this seem familiar? I am not sure what I think about the writing though...
In addition I got Fraktur mon Amour and it has gotten me thinking a lot about what I want to do with the type. It is actually opening me up to the idea of using blackletter as text type. It is surprisingly readable. By that I mean it isn't much harder to read at small sizes than it is at large sizes- but once I have all my material together I will make that decision.