As you can see my photography is getting more gory- it's the story it's not me. Plus I have "finished" with the writing. Finished is italicized because I am not sure if I really like how it is written. I also took out one story which I may or may not add back in (actually I took out two but one I know I am not adding in.) I am also not sure how I like the picture with the flames. It is hard to make flames look good not in color. (They are real flames by the way...)
• Intro
I recently found the book in a box in the attic. I never believed its stories, not really, a nightmare here and there. Nothing a child with a rebellious spirit couldn’t handle. I mean after 22 years I still have my thumbs right? I think I will read it for old times sake…
• The Story of Slovenly Peter
After ten hours at school, a class at the gym and six hours at the computer doing homework I am dead tired. Washing up is over rated. I will brush my teeth tomorrow…
As I drift off to sleep I start to have the weirdest dream. My hair gets matted, my face covered in soot, I am all alone and searching for food in a garbage can. Why does this seem familiar?
• The Story of Pauline and the Matches
I have always been fascinated with fire. It has such an ephemeral beauty. I know it can be dangerous, but still… As I drift off to sleep watching the candle it feels as if my toes are on fire…
• The Story of the Inky Boys
I pride myself on not being racist, but tonight in that back ally I couldn’t help but be nervous when I saw those guys. I suppose spilling my ink over all my work and staining my hands had nothing to do with what happened, but it almost seems like too much of a coincidence.
• The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb
It has been years since I have sucked my thumb. I wonder what the draw was. What about my thumb was so appealing I would push away fears of a tailor with giant scissors just to suck it? More importantly, why do I have the sudden urge to do it now?
• The Story of Augustus who not have any Soup
I love to eat. You would never guess because of my size, but it’s true. Today though, there was nothing appealing about the soup my mother put down in front of me. Then I remembered it was the same soup we had yesterday. I wonder how long this is going to go on for?
• The Story of Fidgety Philip
I can’t sit still. Never could. At the dinner table my mother told me if I don’t stop fidgeting I would fall and pull the whole table down with me. She hasn’t told me that in years…
• The Story of Johnny Look-in-the-Air
The sky was so blue. The clouds were so white and puffy. It looked like a painting. SPLASH!
• The Story of Flying Robert
We have this huge umbrella just sitting in the closet. It was raining outside. Not too much mind you, but the umbrella was there. The heavy wind started to drag me forward… suddenly I was flying. Is this just a dream as well?
• Conclusion
Reality and fantasy seem to have gotten a bit twisted in my mind. The book has such a history it isn’t too hard to imagine it taking over some deep recess of my brain. I just wish I knew what was real and what was false.
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