Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am reading a book now called 'Three Bags Full.' It is a quirky sheep detective story- I read weird stuff, whatever. Anyway, The reason I am posting this is because I really like how the book is designed. Besides just being an all around pleasing design, the bottom corner of the book has a little flip-book-like animation of a sheep running and jumping. It is very cute. It may have been why I bought the book in the first place- but who remembers at this point?

I just felt like writing that.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The work continues...

Introductory Picture

I am still considering a picture prior to this one of me finding the book in a cardboard box somewhere. We shall see.

The End

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back to Work Legislation

With the government finally doing what we elected them to do it is time to jump start this project before I head back to class. With that I present to you another chapter in my epic tale:

Die Geschichte vom Zappel-Philipp
I can’t sit still. Never could. At the dinner table my mother told me if I don’t stop fidgeting I would fall and pull the whole table down with me. She hasn’t told me that in years…

The two pictures were taken with different cameras. Over "break" I upgraded from a Nikon Coolpix to a Nikon D90. I am still in the learning stage of the D90, and my old camera is dead, so hopefully the transition will be ok.