Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grad Show is Today!

I haven't had much time to design this past week or so. I have been to busy putting together my stuff for grad show- and writing frantic facebook posts about it. They are actually quite funny when read in succession- watch the roller coaster!

April 30: Marnina Herrmann is happy because she has designed her business cards and they are trés cool.

May 3: Marnina Herrmann saying goodbye to all forms of instant messaging for the week. That means no fb chat, gchat, aim or msn. If you want to talk to me send me a fb message, email, call or text. 1 week until grad show!

May 4: Marnina Herrmann misses the gym, Saturday nights, her e-social life, TV, the sun... only 6 more days...

May 5: Marnina Herrmann is multitasking. I have traded my desk chair for a stability ball and can now work and strengthen my core.

May 6: Marnina Herrmann is getting closer to the big day, wishing she had more time to work on corp id, wishing she had more time to play, and excited (albeit a bit nervous) to pick up her finished book tomorrow.

May 7: Marnina Herrmann can't do it anymore. My head just isn't in the game.

May 7: Marnina Herrmann Wants to sleep for a month- why won't this week end?!

May 8: Marnina Herrmann counting down the hours until grad show- 49.75... and my manifesto isn't done! And don't get me started on workshop...

May 8: Marnina Herrmann 48 hours and 20 minutes until gradshow!

May 9: Marnina Herrmann almost there. Grad show is tomorrow!!

May 10: Marnina Herrmann Has finally finished everything for grad show but is thinking that she may remain mia from fbchat, gchat, aim and msn until she finishes EA and workshop- those combat boots aren't going to make themselves...

May 10: Marnina Herrmann Grad show is in 10 hours!

Can you say obsessed? Seriously though, the second I get through workshop and external assessment corp ID becomes my life- I really must post the new stuff- its definitely getting somewhere.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Week

Grad show is a week away. I feel like I am going bipolar, happy one moment neurotic the next. I keep having to remind myself to breathe, as Skid Row puts it I feel like a "slave to the grind." This is going to be one heck of an expensive week- printing, binding, etc. I am quite excited to see everything done though. It seems almost impossible at this point.
I have panel dimensions mapped out on my closet so I can figure out sizes and spacing. I have old projects spread out around the room so I can figure out what I want to include in the show. I have chat function disabled on facebook and gmail so as not to distract myself- let's see how well that works.

I am so excited to get this over with- at least the preparing part- grad show itself should be fun!